Saturday, September 12, 2009

But they tore me apart like a hurricane.

Therapy - All Time Low.

Lagu favoritku diseluruh album NP.
HI :)
Ternyata blog itu emang bener-bener berguna buat mencurahkan perasaan.
Terus,aku juga jadi lebih bisa ngatur emosi,karena blog perlu tulisan,bukan teriakan.
Hahah,bisanya kalo aku emosi aku tereak-tereak ga jelas.

Well,sebenernya aku pengen say thanks to anyone who already read my blog this far,and leave some comments;I apreciate that.
Terutama comment terakhir dari someone [you know who you are.] yang bener-bener bikin aku jadi semangat lagi buat kembali bangun dari mimpi buruk yang aku bikin sendiri.
Yeahh,sepertinya aku bisa nambahin kamu buat masuk ke dalam daftar besties ku :):)


Anyway,aku jadi inget sama cerita toto-chan;novel terjemahan dari Jepang yang bener-bener jadi inspirasi buat aku sekarang ini.
Aku beli buku ini udah lama banget,sekitar 4 taun yang lalu..tapi udah kukasih ke Ratna..jadi sekarang aku beli lagi deh,hard cover :)
Cerita di buku ini innocent,real,and inspiring.
Aku suka dengan cara anak ini memandang sesuatu.
Mungkin aneh,tapi emang seharusnya kita memandang sesuatu secara real,not fake.
Kita bisa aja pura-pura gak mau ngeliat orang lain yang kita gak suka,tapi mau nggak mau,selama mata kita masih bisa melihat apa yang ada di depan kita,lebih baik gak usah sok menutup mata deh.
Aku jadi kayak menasehati diri sendiri :)
Udahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh gak tau mau ngomong apa lageeeee.
Hari ini aku ga ngapa-ngapain,jadi ga ada cerita dehhhhhh.
Ya udah ah,besok aja lagi ya...
See you ♥

- Jenni.

P.S.: Therapy lyric;so emotional.

My ship went down in a sea of sound
When I woke up alone I had everything
A handful of moments I wished I could change
And a tongue like a nightmare that cut like a blade
In a city of fools I was careful and cool
But they tore me apart like a hurricane.
A handful of moments
I wish I could change but I was carried away

Give me therapy
I'm a walking travesty
But I'm smiling at everything
Therapy, you were never a friend to me
And you can keep all your misery.

My lungs gave out
As i faced the crowd
I think that keeping this up could be dangerous
I'm flesh and bone
I'm a rolling stone
and the experts say I'm delirious

[Repeat Chorus:]

Arrogant boy, love yourself so no one has to
They're better off without you
(They're better off without you)
Arrogant boy, cause a scene like you're supposed to
They'll fall asleep without you
You're lucky if your memory remains

[Repeat Chorus:]

I'm a walking travesty
But I'm smiling at everything
Therapy, you were never a friend to me
And you can choke on your misery.


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